Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Zimbabwe/Mozambique News"

Today we post the first Zimbabwe/Mozambique Newsletter. The ANESU Partnership lies within the embrace of the broader involvement of TEAM in Zimbabwe. We ask you to consider the whole picture as you partner and pray for what God is doing in and through the people of Southern Africa.

2010 November Newsletter and Prayer Focus

Friday, October 29, 2010

"A Global View of HIV/AIDS"

This is a repeat post for those who may have missed it the forst time around.

In February, 2009, Hans Rosling explained the HIV/AIDS pandemic with the aid of fabulous new shifting graphics.

He has converted the best available data from UNAIDS and WHO into understandable Gapminder bubbles.

While the statistics are difficult to accurately quantify in some areas of the world, especially sub Saharan Africa, this does illustrate the reality as we know it.

The two key messages that the global HIV epidemic has reached a “steady state” with 1% of the adult world population infected and that there are huge differences in HIV occurrence between and within African countries.

Many African countries have the same, relatively low, HIV levels as can be found in most of the world, whereas 50% of the world’s HIV infected persons live in a few countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (with 4% of the world population).

You will notice that Zimbabwe’s HIV rate of infection soared at one stage, but has been reduced quite dramatically in recent years.  While the rate of infection is still alarmingly high, we would suggest that one of the key factors in the turn-around had to do with government’s shift in policy that went from denying the existence of HIV to recognizing its reality and beginning to allow something to be done about it.  

Hans Rosling closes his speech by summarizing probable reasons for the high HIV burden in parts of Eastern and Southern Africa and he claims that the focus must be on preventing further HIV transmission in these highly affected populations.

I encourage you to watch this clip, and go to where you will be able to download the movie FREE in order to pass it on. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

"AIDSlink Newsletter October 2010"

Diane Marshall, International Aids Consultant for SIM, does an excellent job of contributing to the global HIV/AIDS conversation. We're pleased to offer here her most recent AIDSlink newsletter. The article on "Ethical Photography" is a good reminder for us as the ANESU Alliance carefully balances the dignity of the individual with the necessity to keep compassionate and caring people informed.


Thursday, October 7, 2010

"September/October 2010 Up-Date"

October Newsletter 2010