Friday, April 16, 2010

"April 2010 Up-Date"

Here's a brief up-date, with many thanks to our ministry partners for their faithful participation with us in this exciting endeavour.

Next month (May) will see us visiting partnering churches in the Eastern United States and being introduced to a new church family who have shown interest in the Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS vision. They've invited us to share the vision with them ... and possibly other interested church congregations in the region.

Please keep us in your prayers as we travel and look for the remaining partners God has in mind to make up the rest of our team.

April Newsletter 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

"Zimbabwe Alliance Summit"

April 24th is going to be a great day, as a group of representatives from a number of churches gather with the Zimbabwe Alliance Task Force in Wheaton, Illinois, to celebrate the leading of the Lord thus far and prayerfully consider strategic next steps.

An Alliance is a collaborative relationship among churches, groups and individuals who commit to resourcing the realization of a shared vision.

Alliances represent a broad collaboration among the North American evangelical community working in concert with TEAM and her partners to multiply the effectiveness of ministry projects. An effective alliance provides long-term sustainability to a ministry project by providing a wide range of resources and skills.

Alliances proactively serve as advocates for TEAM's worldwide ministry projects by communicating and resourcing the vision and strategy of the project. They communicate and coordinate with the on-site field leaders.

What happens at a summit to launch an alliance?

Members and representatives of the ministry project, including the steering committee, will present to the summit attendees updated reports on the status of the work. Everyone present will participate in a time of prayer to thank the Lord for the blessings reported and to align their hearts with His is regards to the needs of the project.
