Thursday, December 31, 2009
"ZIM-team Alliance"
This is to alert you to something specific we'd like to ask you to pray with us about.
We have spoken in this Blog of the issue of collaboration.
Networking and the coordination of shared resources is an intentional component of our strategy both within Zimbabwe and in the Southern African region. We are also intentional about the involvement of other key global participants.
As momentum for the initiative increases in Zimbabwe, there is building momentum in North America as a small group of local congregations of Christ followers prayerfully consider the role they might have as part of this alliance.
An Alliance, by definition, is a collaborative relationship among churches, groups, and individuals who commit to resource the realization of a shared vision.
This is going to be much more than the kind of partnership where churches provide the money and the mission does the rest. The thing that excites us about the alliance concept is the fact that participants will share in every aspect of the ministry, from visioning and strategy formulation to hands-on engagement as time and finances allow.
We're wanting to tap into expertise represented by participating alliance members when it comes to practical issues like farming practices, clean water, child and women welfare and any number of other spiritual, social and/or medical issues that have to do with the crisis. Most of all, the main goal is a spiritual one, and will need discerning spiritual leadership on a number of levels ... including prayer and counsel with hurting Zimbabweans.
Global church-to-church cooperation with the Zimbabwean Church is what it's all about.
Please pray for already interested parties as they track through the discernment process.
Want to be a part? You are invited to prayerfully consider that possibility!
Our team will be engaging in intentional conversation in the new year with groups and individuals who have shown interest in participating in the Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS Alliance. Participation in the discussion will not commit anyone to actual involvement, but it will benefit interested parties by providing them with the kind of information necessary to contribute to a prayerful discernment process.
Please write to if you'd like to know more.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
How Do The Numbers Compare?
Experts predict, for instance, that as the epidemic gains momentum in South East Asia it will make the impact felt by Africa pale into relative insignificance.
The global battle continues to rage, but positive reports continue to come in from some regions of the African continent. Some West Africa nations are case in point. Our people in Swaziland, for instance, report a significant shift in the numbers of recent years. This phenomenon is not reflected in the numbers below, because they represent the reality, as far as it could be assessed, by the end of 2007. We expect statistics presently in the making to show real progress.
Nevertheless, the statistics enumerated below reflect some of the points made above, and serve as an interesting point of comparison. One of the things the statistics point out is the degree of devastation the pandemic has caused among the senior sectors of African society as compared to North America. This reality is brought to bear at the level of the younger generations in Africa, particularly the adolescent generation.
Literacy rates are fairly similar, while life expectancy varies dramatically. This speaks of hope that the potential to hear and understand can bring. The time is right, the mechanics are in place, good things are being done, the positive potential is real ... we are encouraged. We're grateful for your encouragement and participation in the cause.
Southern Africa - US - Canada Comparison - SIn
Friday, December 18, 2009
Statistics and Other Information
We are indebted to George NcFall (TEAM) for the statistical maps added today.
They give us as accurate a view available today of background statistics for Southern Africa in terms of population and age distribution and the impact of HIV/AIDS.
NOTE: This is a work in progress. As information is sourced, we will make it available to you. Should you have information that could be added to these maps, or suggestions for other maps, we'd love to hear of them. Write to
Southern Africa_4 Maps_Pop_AgeDst_Lit_Urb_S -
Southern Africa_4 Maps_HIV_AIDS_Impact_S -
Thursday, December 17, 2009
“AIDSLINK” Newsletter
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"From There to Here ..."
"From evangelism and church planting to humanitarian work" ... some have said.
This post is for friends and ministry partners who are interested to know the process by which we advanced from where we were to where we are.
It is no contradiction. It is obedience to an ever deepening conviction to complete the task.
We have just added a slideshow presentation to the Blog that will help you track with us across the terrain by which we have come, not to simply humanitarian work, but to action that is being motivated by a commitment to a genuine theology of compassion; mentoring and facilitating people in the pews to a practical response to the mandate Christ gave when He said "AS the Father has sent me, so send I you."
Please click on the title "Background & Vision for the Zim HIV/AIDS Initiative" in the "Links to Slideshows, Reports and Presentations" window on the right-hand side of the Blog, or simply click on the link
We thank you for your interest.
We are indebted to our dear friends Doug and Jackie for the role of encouragement they have played in our lives. We are grateful for having had opportunity to travel with the DTW team in Kenya in 2008. This experience occurred at a very significant time in our life.
Friday, December 11, 2009
"I Am Because We Are ..."
If you can spare an hour and a half to take a deeply moving and reflective journey to another world click on:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Subscription Service offered …
Monday, December 7, 2009
"Everyone One Hundred Campaign"
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Living Positively With HIV ... South Africa Reaches a Significant Mile Stone"
The people you see here are a part of a happy community of multi-generational individuals who are being cared for by Karanda's "Home Based Care" initiative. They gather regularly for counselling, training, emotional encouragement and spiritual edification. At these times, they receive a re-supply of the medicines that ... along with other practical disciplines ... are keeping them alive.
If it had not been for the fact that the Zimbabwe government eventually recognized HIV and AIDS some years ago for what they are ... after having denied the existence of AIDS ... these people would be dead.
Associated Press reported today that South African President, Jacob Zuma announced that South Africa will treat all HIV-positive babies and expand testing. This announcement marks a dramatic and meaningful shift in the country in Africa with more people living with HIV than any other.
A Harvard study of the years under Zuma's predecessor, who questioned the link between HIV and AIDS, concluded that more than 300,000 premature deaths in South Africa could have been prevented had officials there acted sooner to provide drug treatments to AIDS patients and to prevent pregnant women with HIV from passing the virus to their children.
The United States government is contributing to this new turn of events with a gift to South Africa of $120 million over the next two years for AIDS treatment.
NOW ... if only the money and provisions can get to those who need them the most ... That is our prayer.
Friday, October 30, 2009
"Looking For Partners ..."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
"Running Wild"
Some time ago, my family encouraged me to put down in writing some recollections that remain from the wonderful experience of growing up in tribal Zimbabwe. We invite you to take a journey with us back in time to a simpler and very happy time ... The links to the chapters of "Running Wild" are included in the right hand column of the blog.
Friday, October 16, 2009
"A Fresh New Global Overview of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic"
Please go to "Relevant Web Reports ..." to the right, and click on "A Global View Of The HIV/AIDS Pandemic."
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"Radio Interview …"
You'll find the link to the interview to the right under "Links to Slideshows, Reports and Interviews." If you have trouble accessing the MP3 file, you can paste and copy the following link into your browser:
While there was not enough opportunity to tell the whole story, we were able to speak to the dynamic that drives us.
Friday, September 25, 2009
"A breakthrough vaccine for HIV?"
Thailand has been the testing ground for a new HIV vaccine, or combination of two vaccines already in existence. The world heard today of the results of that test. At first glance, it is very exciting news ... the whole world holds its breath for continued positive indicators.
Under closer scrutiny, there seem to be many variables, especially as it relates to other regions of the world presently in the grip of the pandemic.
You can read more about it on the link listed to the right under "Relevant Web Reports ..."
We continue to watch, pray, and do everything we can in the meantime to reach out to those infected, affected and not yet infected but at risk ...
Monday, September 21, 2009
"An encouraging day ..."
We are reflecting on a $500 gift we just heard about from a church in North Carolina. Also, today, a draft proposal for the Zimbabwe HIV/AIDS initiative has been forwarded for consideration by a gifted professional in Chicago without charge. I've also been in touch with another wonderfully gifted professional from USC who is interested in helping out with one of the most significant aspects of the Zimbabwe strategy; the formulation of a forum of national initiatives. Then a friend sent me a Facebook message to say that he has arranged for an on-going donation to be deposited in our home office account monthly. When I checked the account this morning, I discovered personal contributions that people had quietly made without any indication to us of their having done so ... giving without regard to reward. How gratifying is THAT ... for all concerned?
Words cannot express how special it is when individuals and/or groups of individuals respond to an inner prompting to invest in what our lives are invested in. It brings a warm deep-down understanding that someone else's heart is beating in rhythm with ours ... that we're not alone in the huge endeavor.
There's a fine line between "soliciting funds", and "making a need known."
We are not into soliciting funds, but the need is great!
Should you be moved to participate in a tangible way, please contact me at and I'll be more than happy to point you in a direction that will allow you to select one of a few carefully accounted for, tax deductible ways to be involved.
Don't you just LOVE it when a day like today comes along?
Saturday, September 19, 2009
"It's a good beginning."
The clip tells the story of "Tatenda", a young girl who was sent from the hospital to die. "Happiness," another twelve-year old girl took charge of Tatenda and literally reversed the course of her prognosis through nothing more than tender loving care. It is more than significant that "Tatenda", which means "we are thankful" should have been helped by "Happiness." The most significant response in Zimbabwe today is one that is entered into with joyful enthusiasm and motivated by old fashioned loving care and concern
This is a tiny window through which the reality can be seen, where the poor are helping the poor. As this story is multiplied through the sincere efforts of deeply motivated individuals and groups of individuals, real change is taking place.
The good work being facilitated in Zimbabwe by TEAM is being complemented in country by other like minded organizations and national initiatives. We want this good work to grow and expand across the nation. It will take a harmonized. coordinated effort to get it done.
With a "finger on the pulse" and with a locally realized practical response in place we will ensure best results from available people resources and donor funding.
If you feel compelled to have a part or be a part in this challenge, please write to me at
Friday, September 18, 2009
It’s all about the compelling motivation …
Monday, August 31, 2009
HIV/AIDS Southern Africa Trip
Bud and Mandy Jackson are coordinating TEAM's HIV/AIDS initiative in Africa.
In the early part of 2009, they spent a month in Zimbabwe to see TEAM's hands-on involvement in the tribal northeast of the country. Another month was spent in South Africa, seeing what was going on in KwaZulu Natal and up into northern Zululand.
Because a main part of the strategy involves networking and partnering with other HIV/AIDS-related organizations and agencies in North America and Africa, much of the time spent in Africa was dedicated to building the relational groundwork necessary, and beginning to build a framework of cooperation of intention with wonderful people of like mind and shared purpose.
You are invited to share Bud and Mandy's experiences through the medium of this blog, as you join them in their travels and gain an understanding of where their hearts are in the face of Africa's struggle with the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Anticipation ...
Friday, January 2nd (Frankfurt, Germany)
During a twelve-hour lay-over in the stark interior of Frankfurt’s international airport, we had plenty of time to give thought to the transition we had entered into as we left the pristine and abundant conditions of the Pacific Northwest coast of Canada and turned our attention to Zimbabwe, a nation in the tenacious grip of serious inflation, severe poverty and unemployment, and struggling with the devastating impact of diseases like malaria, AIDS and cholera.
Mandy wrote, “My return to Zimbabwe after a seven-year absence was a spiritual, mental and emotional hurdle for me, but I was more than ready to face it. During the intervening years, I’d been diagnosed with and received treatment for “post traumatic stress syndrome” that was a result of a series of stressful incidents I’d encountered during our last term of service there.
As we waited at Frankfurt airport, I again praised the Lord for the deep sense of purpose and excitement I felt anticipating our return to Africa, knowing that this was His appointed mission and time for us. I also thanked Him for the sense of peace He’d given me, despite my misgivings about Africa’s unpredictability.”
Taking care of last minute correspondence before landing back in Africa, I wrote to a friend to say, “Well, here we are waiting in yet another airport departure lounge...
Waiting for another plane to take us to another destination.
We're about to board our flight to Jo'burg via Frankfurt, then on to Harare.
This has been a tough trip to prepare for. There are so many unknown quantities. I never thought I'd have such a mixture of emotions about returning to my homeland. We have a case packed with a few personal items, and extra bags crammed full of dried foods, nuts, nutritional bars and second hand clothes.
At the same time, we are excited ... and looking forward to the challenges that will face us. We have a supply of anti-malaria tablets, have invested in a UV water purifier, bought some H2O purification tabs, have a collapsible water bottle stashed away in our carry-on, and are good to go.”
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Arrival ...
Saturday, January 3rd. 2009
The first wave of nostalgia hit me as we landed at Harare International airport. Although not as international as it once was, it was nostalgic nonetheless to walk off the aircraft and into the main concourse late on the Saturday night of our arrival from Johannesburg.
Many of the bulbs that would normally bring brilliant light to the comings and goings of travelers who ventured there were not functioning. As eyes adjusted to the gloom, we noticed a group of civilian-dressed people sitting behind a two-countered desk, bantering and visiting together. Thinking this was a preliminary step to the formalities of immigration and customs, we made our way there. After paying for entrance visas, a reminder of altered status from resident to visitor, we continued on our way.
Without any further ado, we collected our luggage and were swept up by a couple of porters who led us directly through the “nothing to declare” route into the public receiving area where we saw friends who had come to meet us.
The second wave of nostalgia arrived as we stepped out into the balmy Zimbabwean night. After loading our collective personal and additional luggage, we piled into a double cab pick up truck and made our way out into the darkness.
Mandy wrote, “Personally, I would have preferred to arrive during daylight hours so that I could see my surroundings clearly. Arriving at night unnerved me, and I found myself suspicious of the dark that hovered beyond the reach of our truck headlights and the occasional functioning street light.
I kept reminding myself ‘He who has led you hitherto will lead you all the journey through’, and I was thankful that my Father knew exactly where I was and was watching over me. They say that ‘ignorance is fear’, but in my case a consistent tracking of in-depth news from my earthly homeland had enlightened me enough to know what dangers potentially lay beyond the ‘safety’ of our vehicle!
Forty-some years of memories prompted by such familiar surroundings, fragrances, atmosphere, and balmy night air, flooded my mind and emotions as we traveled well known roads to our mission’s headquarters on the opposite side of the city.
I noticed the ‘new’ procedure of negotiating intersections where robots (traffic lights) were either non-functional or partially functional, but always confusing. Even when the lights were present and working, they could not be relied upon. Sometimes, only the ‘caution’ light would be working from one approach, and only the ‘go’ light working from the opposite approach. At other times, the lights on all four corners (if there and working) seemed to have a mind of their own. Worse case scenario was evident at a few places where all four lights were green at the same time. We soon learned the best way to navigate across intersections was to keep one eye on robots directing the other approaches (wherever possible), and the other on any vehicles coming from the sides! . As Bud said one day, in the course of a trip across town, ‘The thing that dictates the flow of traffic in Zimbabwe these days is personality!’ It seemed the more aggressive drivers had no problem making progress as they nosed their way into the fray and emerged on the other side without a scratch. Thankfully, Kiersten, our seasoned driver, knew what she was doing that night!”
The third wave of nostalgia washed over me as we traveled. With head hanging out of the left rear window, I inhaled the familiar fragrances wafting on the night air, and was transported back to the socio-linguistic groove that welcomed me as a long lost friend.
Mandy had a slightly different reaction … “I was immensely relieved to enter the gated and walled compound of our destination, and to find that the electricity was working. Soon I found myself unwinding as the tension released it’s grip on my body. A cup of herbal tea in hand I sat up in bed under the mosquito net while an infusion of peace and ‘rightness’ in my world flooded in. I slept soundly.”
So, after a forty-hour trip halfway around the world, we slept well for what remained of the night. The whine of mosquitoes venturing back and forth on the outer surface of the netting securely tucked around us was a final welcome as we drifted off to sleep.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tshipise, here we come!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lion and Elephant Motel (on the Bubi) and on to the border crossing …
Mandy had an opportunity to visit with a woman in distress that morning at breakfast.
After a lovely breakfast in the open-sided dining area on the riverbank, we loaded the vehicle and made our way toward Beit Bridge and the experience commonly referred to as, “crossing the border.”
It was just as well that we had steeled ourselves for the lengthy stand-still interludes, under the wonderfully hot Africa sun, that interspersed occasional tentative footsteps in the direction of the air-conditioned interior of the Customs and Immigration building. Shuffling our way in the queue through the necessary formalities at the border gave me two great opportunities! The first: to feel and absorb the heat of the African sun on my skin again, and the second: to engage in conversation with folk around us.
Mandy had an interesting conversation with a young African man in his mid-twenties. She writes, "He was on his way to Messina in his ‘bakkie’ to shop for clients living in Zimbabwe. During at least ninety minutes of conversation, he opened window for me to see life from his perspective and as my heart ached for him, I was amazed at his ability to laugh and keep going despite his incredibly stressful challenges. Challenges such as:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Annual Conference ...
Tuesday – Friday, January 6th – 9th
The joint TEAM family enjoyed a wonderful time of rich fellowship, good food and not a little bit of fun in the week that followed; all of which was a wonderful relief, if not release, for co-workers who had been standing firm in the face of intensely difficult ministry circumstances in the days, weeks and months prior.
A troop of vervet monkeys visited us every day, the dominant male acting for all the world like a feudal baron while his wives released their new-born babies within the safety of the setting to learn the rudiments of walking on unsteady legs as they traveled across the landscape of their new natural world on tip-toes of touch, smell and taste.
Toward the end of the week, the conference broached the pressing issue of widows and orphans and the ever-looming presence of the HIV/AIDS crisis. We had left North America with a
clear sense of providential direction to our thinking. The team we had interacted with in Canada and the US had seen clear possibilities emerge that revolved around TEAM’s unique strengths and degree of credibility in the ministry areas where we serve. We arrived in Southern Africa committed to listening, observing and seeking to learn from the perspective of workers on the front line. In short, we had embarked on a fact-finding trip.
It was toward the end of the week of conference that we received the first clear indication that the thinking and reflecting of our co-workers on the front line of the battle had been following a parallel path to ours. With clear vision on the part of the area leaders of both Zimbabwe/Mozambique and South Africa, and genuine interest on the part of those attending, it began to become clear that the pandemic had already brought all of the key players to a point of meaningful action.
The annual conference agreed to initiate the formation of an HIV/AIDS task force as a first step in the direction of an organized intentional step toward compassionate ministry.
Mandy too, found conference to be a refreshing experience. "It was such therapy for me to be in the midst of my fellow co-workers again. I loved every minute of the opportunities I had to hear about their ministries, to catch up on their lives, and to sense their challenges both personally and in ministry. God gave me moments of one-on-one time with several ladies and it was wonderful to be able to connect at a deep level, praying and bearing each other’s burdens."