Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"From There to Here ..."

Many friends have asked us how it came about that we moved from the work focus we've been committed to for many years to something so different.

"From evangelism and church planting to humanitarian work" ... some have said.

This post is for friends and ministry partners who are interested to know the process by which we advanced from where we were to where we are.

It is no contradiction. It is obedience to an ever deepening conviction to complete the task.

We have just added a slideshow presentation to the Blog that will help you track with us across the terrain by which we have come, not to simply humanitarian work, but to action that is being motivated by a commitment to a genuine theology of compassion;  mentoring and facilitating people in the pews to a practical response to the mandate Christ gave when He said "AS the Father has sent me, so send I you."  

Please click on the title "Background & Vision for the Zim HIV/AIDS Initiative" in the "Links to Slideshows, Reports and Presentations" window on the right-hand side of the Blog, or simply click on the link

We thank you for your interest.

We are indebted to our dear friends Doug and Jackie for the role of encouragement they have played in our lives. We are grateful for having had opportunity to travel with the DTW team in Kenya in 2008. This experience occurred at a very significant time in our life.

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