Friday, December 30, 2011
"Introducing ZIM TEAM 2011 ..."
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
"December 2011 Up-Date ..."
Monday, December 12, 2011
"In Celebration of The Children ..."
Saturday, October 15, 2011
"Reason to Gather Concert"

South Ridge Community Church hosted the "Reason to Gather" tour featuring Sara Groves, Audrey Assad and Jenny and Tyler ... all humble, dedicated servants of God. The concert was both deeply moving and phenomenal on a number of levels.

ANESU from Ben Stapley on Vimeo.
Monday, September 12, 2011
ANESU Benefit Concert (October 14, 2011)
Sunday, September 11, 2011
"September 2011 ANESU status Report"
The first Zimbabwe component of the first year of the outworking of the ANESU vision is coming to a close.
The first North American component of the global strategy is about to begin with our return to Vancouver, and on to attend a benefit concert hosted by South Ridge Community Church in Clinton, New Jersey, and to participate in an itinerary that will introduce us to other vital ministries in the region.
We've arrived at something of a milestone in the forward progress of ANESU, and it is with gratitude to our partners in North America and Zimbabwe that we offer this status report.
Bud Jackson
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
South Ridge Slide Show
Zimbabwe Slideshow from Ben Stapley on Vimeo.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
ANESU Benefit Concert (October 14, 2011)

A Reason to Gather Sara Groves Audrey Assad, Jenny & Tyler CLINTON, NJ October 14, 2011 For more info call: 908-735-5252
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Introducing Ben and Rose Stapley ...
Friday, August 12, 2011
"Truth or Dare" Youth Conference ...
Dare2serve, ANESU’s most recently added ministry partner in Zimbabwe, has called young people in Zimbabwe to come together for a Truth or Dare conference this month.
The young people who lead Dare2serve believe that there is a generation that is ready to take on the difficult things that other generations before them have not been brave enough to tackle.
The conference will introduce teenagers and young adults to the Zimbabwe they don’t see everyday ... the Zimbabwe that is in desperate need of something real and that is crying out for their brothers and sisters to stand with them through hard times and lend them a hand. The street children, the orphans, the forgotten older generation and the people that are trying to clean up the sunshine city one street corner at a time.
The Truth or Dare conference is going to be structured and broken down into three easy sections. Each morning of the conference will be taken up by carefully focused training sessions. Each afternoon will be spent doing different community outreaches at orphanages and other projects that Dare2serve is involved in. Each evening will feature a special no entrance fee gathering at 7arts Theater.
On the last afternoon of the conference Dare2serve will lead youth in taking part in a huge clean up of the Avondale and Second Street Extension area with Miracle Missions. They will pick up trash, wash down dirty walls and paint some of the walls of some of the buildings in that area.
The conference will run from the night of the 17th of August and will close with a concert on the night of the 19th of August.
Dare2serve has embraced a vision to expose the youth of Zimbabwe to God’s compassionate heart. They have determined to introduce Zimbabwean youth to a host of opportunities to serve the community … challenges to Christ-like response that they can take back to their schools and churches.
Please pray for Ron Chifokoyo and his team as they lead this conference. Pray for the young people who will be attending. Pray that many lives will be impacted in a way that will not only bring personal transformation but will result in the transformation of Zimbabwe’s marginalized and disadvantaged people
Bud Jackson
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
"A Church to Church Partnership ..."
- To connect global followers of Christ in proactive engagement in Zimbabwe for the good of people infected, affected and at risk by HIV/AIDS
- To serve as a conduit of blessing, facilitating relationships and enabling meaningful, lasting, and self sustaining change in the lives of hurting people in Zimbabwe
- To assist partnering churches realize the joy of reaching out in a ministry of compassion to hurting people.
Monday, August 8, 2011
"July 2011 Up-Date"
Friday, August 5, 2011
Introducing Dare2Serve ...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
"Up-date on Chenjerai ..."
Thursday, June 2, 2011
"May 2011 Up-Date"
Monday, May 16, 2011
"ANESU Progress report (May 2011) ..."
Saturday, April 30, 2011
"Duncan ..."
"Julie's VanZevern arrives back in Zimbabwe ..."
Julie's Return -
Friday, April 29, 2011
I know you'll rejoice with us at what God is doing in Zimbabwe these days. William's story is repeated many times over in this nation. Praise God with us for the way the inner compelling force of the Spirit of God is moving people to respond with real vision and motivating passion to the needs of children in crisis.
Team Leader
William's Story
More Than Just Food

On Monday, March 23 we visited the Highfield Feeding Station run by the Highfield church of the Nazarene. The Feeding Station is overseen by Pastor Stephen Mutatu. Pastor Mutatu also helps run the Philadelphia Orphan Homes and the Goshen Farm Orphan Home and Sustainability Project. Olen will write about these later.
As we drove up to the church, kids appeared from everywhere. The kids seemed so happy to see us, yet my heart was breaking for them. I knew that for most of them this would be their only meal of the day. Probably, it would be the only time during the day that they would feel safe.
I was able to interact with some boys who were playing checkers. Like all boys, they were proud to announce who was winning. After playing with the kids for awhile we went and met the cooks. They were preparing the daily meal to feed 150 + children. On Sunday, they prepare a meal for over 200 children. The ladies were so grateful to the Lord to be able to help.
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Photo: David Nelson |
Karen, Jessie and I were blessed to be able to serve the children their meal of sadza and chicken gravy sauce. Sadza is a thick porridge made from maize... a little bit like grits. It is very filling. It can be eaten with the fingers and used to dip into the gravy sauce and greens. Each child washed their hands, prayed and waited patiently to be served. After the children finished they rinsed their plates and cups and brought them back to the ladies. What blessing to come along side these women and help them for an evening.
One reason that this program is so valuable is that Highfield can keep track of local children. The church calls roll each day, and if a child is missing they try to find out why. The church visits the home, checks on health issues and encourages the children in their homework. Feeding is done at night so that the children can sleep with a full tummy.
After the meal they gather in the Chapel for a time of singing and Bible stories. The Feeding Station not only feeds their tummies but also their souls. Praise the Lord for these wonderful people who take care of God’s little angels.
Sarah Gustafson
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Photo: David Nelson |
Monday, April 25, 2011
Not Too Young - Dare2Serve
What would you think if you saw a group of 15-20 students hanging around a street corner or walking the streets at night talking to prostitutes? Would you immediately think - "hey look at those people hanging out! I'll bet they are talking about Jesus Christ."
Friday, April 22, 2011
One Good Hot Meal

When we arrived, I would guess there were about 25 to 30 children who had just finished eating, and were rinsing their dishes. Most of them were wearing school uniforms. One of the care givers explained to me, the children not wearing uniforms did not go to school, probably because they could not afford it.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
"Shifting Gears"

A note from Bud Jackson:
· Every aspect of ANESU’s work is founded on meaningful inter-personal and inter-organizational relationships. All assistance, every cooperative strategic connection, and each step going forward will be predicated on genuine relational dynamics at every level.
· Nothing will be done that is not connected in some meaningful way with the Biblical household of faith both within and outside of Zimbabwe.
· ANESU is Christocentric; an active and intentional response to Christ’s challenge, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.”
· ANESU is people oriented, not program oriented.
· ANESU’s work will grow locally and organically.
· ANESU will engage in some areas to implement helpful elements, and in others areas to supplement additional elements with a view to focusing resources and ideas, and channeling zeal.
· ANESU’s work will be as cost effective as possible (the first solution to a challenge will not be money based).
· ANESU will engage with a view to sustainability.
· Biblical truth
· Great Commission
· Prayer
· Servant leadership
· Teamwork
· Compassion
· Integrity
· Financial accountability
· Governable
· Adaptable
· Adjustable
· Valuable
· Cooperative
· Incarnational
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Just for Fun
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Buddy in High School |
You also might enjoy a note Bud's son Heath wrote about him. Below is the link.
Bud and Mandy are uniquely positioned in Zimbabwe to be ambassadors for TEAM and the Kingdom of Heaven. God has raised up Bud and Mandy for such a time as this.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
He is Faithful - A New Godly Generation
Saturday, April 16, 2011
First Aid 4 AIDS - Reach4Life

Reach4Life is an HIV training program in the local schools that utilizes the New Testament. The New Testament training book was designed and launched in 2004. The little orange book, which has since become a global icon in HIV prevention, contains the whole New Testament plus 265 pages of material geared at revolutionizing young people’s sexual attitudes. The ultimate message of Reach4Life is a gospel message; producing safe lifestyle parameters by means of changed lives, calling young people to a relationship with Christ. This new relationship with Jesus Christ will sustain their commitment to chastity, and provide a solid foundation for wise lifestyle choices. Governments and school systems have requested this discipleship ministry to enter the public schools.
Olen Johnsen of our team from the East Troy Bible Church writes his observations of the Reach 4 Life Ministry.
Reach for Life - The Choice is Yours is a combination curriculum to fight against HIV/AIDS. The book includes the New Testament and a 4 part curriculum. At the beginning the reader is encouraged to think about a revolution. There are two revolutions. A sexual revolution and a spiritual revolution. The sexual revolution is the call to understanding sex within the bounds of marriage, and away from the suicidal sex that permeates the world today. The spiritual revolution calls people to understand the value of life in Christ.

The book was developed in partnership with International Bible Society. It has since become more than a Bible giveaway, but whole ministry of its own. Provinding classes in many venue's from church to school to home.
Prospective instructors are given a month long training class, then they are enabled to step out into their ministry area to teach Reach for Life. It has turned out to be a compelling way for the Word of God to be delivered all over the world. In most parts of the world the class is part of the public school curriculum on HIV/AIDS prevention.
Each book costs ten dollars. This puts the whole New Testament, a mentor, a church, and the lessons into the hands of a young person. The book is well written, relevant to modern youth culture, and accurate to God's truth.
Reach for Life is one of the tools that the ANESU Partnership is using to build relationships with Zimbabwe youth pastors,orphan homes and church leaders.
We have small groups already supporting Reach 4 Life in Zimbabwe. Maybe you would consider supporting Reach for Life to impact thousands of young people with clear answers about morality, spiritual guidance, and salvation. Please contact Bud Jackson to ask how you can partner with this life saving ministry at
Olen Johnsen
Friday, April 15, 2011
What is AIDS?
IMMUNE: HIV attacks the immune system. The word “immune” speaks of protection or defense.
DEFICIENCY: There is a deficient, inadequate, or “less-than needed” response to all diseases by the immune system.
SYNDROME: Any syndrome is just a group of signs and symptoms. When a person has AIDS, there is a group of signs and symptoms that point to that fact.
A person on ARVs - antiretroviral drugs can live for many years. However, in Africa only about 5 ARVs out of about 12 products world-wide are effective. Apparently, this is because people in Africa are not consistent in their use of ARVs and many of the drugs are now ineffective.
AIDS is only a description of the syndrome related to HIV. A person infected with HIV usually dies of some other opportunistic disease. HIV weakens and destroys the immune system so that the body cannot resist other diseases such as Malaria, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia or any other life threatening illness - even viral induced cancers. Further, HIV/AIDS renders a person tired and weak so that they tend to neglect nutrition and hygiene. They no longer have the energy to work in their gardens and in their homes or live productively in society.
ARVs - people with HIV need good medication and medical attention to combat HIV and other opportunistic diseases.
Nutrition - people with HIV need to have good nutrition in their diet. Further, nursing infants need to have supplemental milk from another source than their mother.
Attitude - people with HIV need to have a good outlook on life.
Transparency - all HIV carriers need to be open and transparent for any of the solutions above to be effective. Today, there is still much stigma about carrying HIV and still much bad information. In short, people live negatively and live in denial about HIV. This prevents them from getting good treatment, it allows them to potentially spread the infection, and prevents them from getting good spiritual, physical and emotional council.
The church is strategically positioned to assist families and individuals in every area of their lives. More importantly, the church can introduce a person to Jesus Christ who transforms them from the inside out and gives them a purpose for living positively. This blog is dedicated to the churches who are in the battle. It is exciting to see individuals ignite the church in Zimbabwe to offer real help. These churches are offering help for the physical crisis of today but also offering help for HIV of the soul - which is more deadly than any other form of HIV.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
What is HIV?
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the pathogen that causes AIDS. In this short clip, three of scientists discuss how HIV infection occurs, how the virus attacks the immune system, and how it replicates within white blood cells. Visit the documentary website -
HIV: Belongs to a group of viruses called retroviruses. There are several types (varieties) of HIV. There are many types of the virus found in different areas of the world, especially in different areas of Africa. If you are infected with any type of HIV, and you are not treated with antiretroviral drugs, you will almost certainly develop AIDS and die within two to fourteen years. If you get good medical care and take antiretroviral drugs properly, you may live longer but will likely die of AIDS in the end.
HUMAN: The virus is only found in humans. It is not found in animals or insects.
IMMUNODEFICIENCY: The virus reduces the defense power of the immune system. The immune system has the job of protecting the body from all kinds of infections and invaders. It destroys harmful microbes that enter the body.
VIRUS: A virus is a microbe too small to see with a regular light microscope. Viruses are the smallest of all micro-organism, hundreds of times smaller than a bacteria or malaria parasite.
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Colored scanning electron micrograph of a T4 cell (green) infected with HIV (red). © NIBSC/Science Photo Libraryc |
HIV is spread most often through sexual behavior in Africa. In the US it is considered a homosexual disease or a disease of IV drug users. But in Africa, HIV is largely a heterosexual disease. Sub-Saharan Africa has a low IV drug use rate. Instead, HIV is spread through sexual promiscuity. The promiscuous husband brings the HIV back into the family and infects his wife or wives. The women carry the disease and then spread HIV to their children through delivery and nursing. One of the greatest 1st steps in eradication of the disease is through testing for HIV. If a person is tested, they will be more likely to think more carefully about sexual contact and more likely to change their behavior. In Zimbabwe, testing is a priority for all people, even children.