Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Shifting Gears"

A note from Bud Jackson:

It has been a pleasure to be bringing information your way in terms of what we see God doing in Zimbabwe in the area of HIV/AIDS response. In the last three months, we were privileged to have three teams of individuals visit us and see what we're seeing on a daily basis.

A major component of these visits has been the long term view of partnership we're entering into with local gatherings of Christ followers in the United States and Canada. As friends from these groups have spent time with us, we have applied ourselves together to the dynamic of discerning where, how and when to engage. That exercise is on-going.

I have also extended an invitation to representatives from these groups of friends to contribute to this Blog. I'd like for their unedited view to be available to those of you who are prayerfully following, and contributing toward, what we're doing here in Zimbabwe.

Many thanks to pastor Ron Christiansen, and members of the ZimPact2011 team who have contributed, for their excellent posts (except for the picture of me, of course!). I trust these will be on-going, and that others from other groups will feel comfortable to do the same.

As we continue to move forward, the picture of what we've been drawn here for is becoming more and more clear.

Without doubt, who we (the ANESU Partnership) are and what we do is going to be governed by the following rules of engagement:

· Every aspect of ANESU’s work is founded on meaningful inter-personal and inter-organizational relationships. All assistance, every cooperative strategic connection, and each step going forward will be predicated on genuine relational dynamics at every level.

· Nothing will be done that is not connected in some meaningful way with the Biblical household of faith both within and outside of Zimbabwe.

· ANESU is Christocentric; an active and intentional response to Christ’s challenge, “As the Father has sent me, so send I you.”

· ANESU is people oriented, not program oriented.

· ANESU’s work will grow locally and organically.

· ANESU will engage in some areas to implement helpful elements, and in others areas to supplement additional elements with a view to focusing resources and ideas, and channeling zeal.

· ANESU’s work will be as cost effective as possible (the first solution to a challenge will not be money based).

· ANESU will engage with a view to sustainability.

We are committed to the following core values:

· Biblical truth

· Great Commission

· Prayer

· Servant leadership

· Teamwork

· Compassion

· Integrity

· Financial accountability

We will seek to function within the embrace of the following principles of operation:

· Governable

· Adaptable

· Adjustable

· Valuable

· Cooperative

· Incarnational

We're very grateful for the partners in North America and Zimbabwe who are coming together. It is a privilege to meet them at the present nexus of opportunity in Zimbabwe, and to see things move in a very significant and genuinely helpful and effective way.

We've enjoyed meaningful interaction with a contact in Austria, and had informal conversation with a friend in Australia about extending our partner base in those directions.

So it's onward and upward for the Kingdom! We'll keep you posted.


Bud Jackson
Team Leader, ANESU Partnership
Africa HIV/AIDS Coordinator