Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Another Church Team Arrives From North America"

We invite your prayers as a team from Calvary Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania arrives to spend a week with us in Zimbabwe.

The itinerary is in place, some wonderful people are poised and enthusiastic about extending friendship to our guests. Our prayer is that meaningful relationships will result that will allow this wonderful North American ministry to find true traction in the outworking of the vision they have been given of God.

If there is one thing we can't emphasize enough it's this: It's ALL
about relationships. Everything else follows. We encourage our guests to not come laden with gifts, but with ears finely tuned to listen, eyes keen to observe, and hearts hungry to understand. They are never disappointed.

The object of the exercise is to find the pulse of what God is doing here in Zimbabwe.

We delight in exposing our guests to people and programs. We offer suggestions and are happy to answer any questions they have as to how and where they can engage.

The final decision is always theirs, however. They do NOT come to see what we're doing so that they can decide whether or not they'd like to support our endeavour.

They come committed to seeing and understanding the Kingdom reality here in Zimbabwe in a way that will allow them to take what they gain from their time here back to their church leadership, and fellow church family members.

They then enter into a time of prayerful discernment.

It’s always a thrill to see how and where they are eventually led into intentional Global partnership with members of the Zimbabwean household of faith.

Because God is a God of the journey more than of the destination, though, they are always richly blessed at every step of the way ... from the first step they take off the plane in Harare.

We are serious when we say that we exist to facilitate compassionate ministry God leads our partners to here in Zimbabwe. We're committed to introducing them to as many people as we can, engaged in as many response initiatives we can fit in.

We’ve learned to firmly fasten our seat belts, because it’s always a wonderful and exhilarating ride!


Bud Jackson
Project Director
ANESU, Zimbabwe

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