Sunday, January 11th
The next morning came with a rush and, being Sunday, we found ourselves on the way to a celebration service hosted by the Evangelical Church of Zimbabwe. The purpose of the exercise was to give opportunity to the twelve hundred or so people who had gathered to rejoice over the reconciliation that had taken place between the church and the mission that had birthed it.
The organizers had given careful thought and done a great deal of work in preparation for the occasion. A large bowser of clean water, standing near a large open-sided white tent, offered mute evidence of the presence of cholera in the country.
The atmosphere in the tent as we arrived was less mute, but was just as loud in profound evidence of a heightened level of excitement and anticipation.
Words cannot describe the joy of that morning and lunch hour that followed. No cultural or historical barrier could come near to preventing the outpouring of love and joy that was expressed and received by all the parties in attendance. That day, which was without doubt one of the highlights of the whole two months, was made even more special in as much as Wilf Strom … now retired and living in Canada … was there as guest of honour for the occasion. Wilf and his wife had arrived in the country to serve as missionaries some fifty years previous. Wilf had eventually held the position of area leader during a very challenging time. As Field Chairman, he had led the then missionary band through the stormy relational and organizational waters of post-independence tensions that crept into the relationship of mission and church. This he had done with dignity and Godly grace. Now, he was present to witness the full-circle evidence of the working of that Godly grace in the lives of all involved.
Mandy commented on the day; "The timing of this amazing celebration; the opportunity to be re-united with many dear friends; the emotion of the occasion, all worked together to open the floodgates of long dammed up emotion for me. It was difficult to take pictures of the event through the flowing tears! Praise the Lord for His goodness and graciousness!"
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